Special Publications - Atlas & Gazetteer
Number |
Title/Description |
Date |
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Price |
44 |
INDIVIDUAL NAME INDEX to the 1876 ATLAS of YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Introduction, Letter Abbreviations Key & Atlas Page Identifiers. Alphabetized, cross referenced and coded indexes to the 1876 Atlas of York County, Pennsylvania. Includes all individual names identified on the pages of borough maps, business notices, pictorial illustrations, township maps, and village maps included in the atlas. |
Jan 1991 |
131 |
$20 |
45 |
SUBJECT INDEX to the 1876 ATLAS of YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Introduction, Letter Abbreviations Key & Atlas Page Identifiers. Alphabetized, cross referenced and coded indexes to the 1876 Atlas of York County, Pennsylvania. Includes all subjects identified on the pages of borough maps, business notices, pictorial illustrations, township maps, and village maps included in the atlas. Subjects include agricultural and manufactured products, companies, creeks, industries, post offices, railroad stations, roads, runs, stores, towns and villages, etc. |
Apr 1991 |
87 |
$15 |
44 & 45 |
Above two publications purchased together. |
above |
above |
$30 |
63 |
GAZETTEER of YORK and ADAMS COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA Introduction Alphabetized listing of place names with a brief description of the location and its source. This gazetteer is another example of Henry J. Young's efforts to record references to locations throughout York and Adams Counties found by himself and his small staff. |
Nov 2004 |
90 |
$15 |
84 |
LOCATIONS OF RESIDENTS OF SPRINGETTSBURY (THEN SPRING GARDEN) TOWNSHIP IN 1860: A CORRELATION OF THE 1860 CENSUS, THE 1860 SHEARER MAP, AND 1930s AERIEL PHOTOGRAPHS Introduction, surname index and source list. The genealogy of Shearer’s 1860 Map and the 1860 United States Census converge, through this research, to determine the early York County, PA, occupants of a region established as Springettsbury Township in 1891. Using annotated maps, deeds, family information, and aerial photographs, researcher Stephen H Smith, identifies the inhabitants and determines their locations within the northeast section of the township. |
Feb 2020 |
49 |
$20 |